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Awards and distinctions for scientific achievements

  • Milej D.: II Grade Award of the VI edition of the "Mazovia Innovator" in the category Innovative Young Researcher for work "Rating cerebral blood flow using time-resolved fluorescence measurement during the influx and clearance of optical contrast agent. 2014
  • Foltyński P., Ładyżyński P., Wójcicki J.M., Migalska-Musiał K.: Award „Innovation for Health 2009" in a category of the Innovative Medical Technologies awarded by the Working Group for Innovations in Health Care for "Computerized system controlling treatment of the diabetic foot syndrome patients (TeleDiaFoS)", 2009
  • Ilnicki F.: II. Grade Award of the Rector of the Warsaw Technical University for scientific achievements in years 2007-2008 as a team member awarded by the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Warsaw Technical University, 2009
  • Nomination of the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering to the Technical Committee of the Polish Committee for Standardization, 2009
  • Liebert A.: Financial Award from Helmholtz-Fonds e.V. for contribution in a patent concerning fluorescence signal monitoring, 2008
  • Wojtkiewicz S.: I. Prize in the Contest for the Best MSc Thesis in the Field of Biomedical Engineering organized by the Polish Society for Biomedical Engineering for work entitled "Development of a laser-Doppler system for the blood microcirculation assessment ", 2008
  • Glapiński J.: I Grade Group Scientific Award of the Rector of the Medical Academy of Warsaw for a cycle of works related to the respiratory system pathologies, 2008
  • Pijanowska D.G.: Scientific Award of the IV. Department of the Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2007
  • Goszczyńska H.: Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in 2005 awarded by the Board of Image Processing Society in the area of theory and applications of the image processing systems applying information technology, image and scene analysis and interpretation, object recognition, image and scene modeling, generation and visualization, visual perception and communication, 2005
  • Orłowski T.: Tytus Chałubiński Medal of the Medical Academy awarded by the Rector of the Medical Academy of Warsaw for scientific achievements, 2005
  • Liebert A.: Scientific Award of the IV. Department of the Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for habilitation thesis entitled "Selected methods of medical diagnosis using near-infra-red spectroscopy", 2005

Awards in International Competition

The Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS has been awarded the Prix Galien award in the first Polish edition of the prestigious international Prix Galien award contest. The Institute was awarded in “Innovative research” category for an artificial cardio-pulmonary patient that was the designed and developed by a research team led by prof. Marek Darowski.

Oficial information from the Organizer (in Polish): Prix Galien_gold medals 2012


Awards and distinctions for conference presentations

  • Ładyżyński P.: Outstanding Presentation Award on the 13. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering ICBME (Singapore) for presentation entitled "Application of the home telecare system in the treatment of diabetic foot syndrome", Singapore, 13-16 December 2008
  • Kossakowska A.: Award for the distinguished work in a group of the youngest researchers for presentation entitled "Coenzyme immobilization (NAD/NADH) in polypyrrole electrochemically embedded on the surface of an amperometric sensor" awarded by the COE 2008, Poznań, Poland, 23-25 June, 2008
  • Granicka L.: The Best Poster Award of the Organizing Committee of the XV. National Conference "Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering" for a presentation entitled "Modified membrane for bacteria encapsulation. Stages of the variation of the encapsulated bacteria", Wrocław, Poland, 12-15 September, 2007
  • Jankowska-Śliwińska J., Lewińska D., Józef Bukowski, Weryński A.: III. Award for Poster from the Organizing Committee of the XV. National Conference "Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering" for a presentation entitled „Microscopic structure analysis of the alginate-polyetherosulfonic microcapsules", Wrocław, Poland, 12-15 September, 2007
  • Kossakowska A.: distinction of a presentation of the young investigators during the XV. National Conference "Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering" awarded by the Board of the Polish Society for Biomedical Engineering for a paper entitled „Modification of the amperometric biosensors with electroconducting polypyrrole", Wrocław, Poland, 12-15 September, 2007
  • Kacprzak M.: The Best Scientific Paper of the Young Investigators for presentation during the XV. National Conference "Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering" awarded by the Board of the Polish Society for Biomedical Engineering for a paper entitled „Multichannel time-correlated single photon counting instrument for imaging of brain oxygenation", Wrocław, 12-15 September, 2007
  • Stachowska-Piętka J., Waniewski J.: Award „Best Clinical PD Paper" in the 8. European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting for a presentation entitled „Relationship between osmotic effective peritoneal and capillary reflection coefficients: insights from distributed modeling", 2007.
  • Tomalak W., Gólczewski T., Michnikowski M., Darowski M.: Award for the Best presentation in the Annual Congress of European Respiratory Society for a paper entitled „Virtual respiratory system for interactive e-learning of spirometry", Stockholm, Sweden, 2007.
  • Lewińska D., Bukowski J., Kinasiewicz A., Weryński A.: II. Poster Award of the Scientific Committee of the XXXIII. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs for a presentation entitled „Electrostatic microencapsulation of hepatocytes using an impulsed voltage droplet generator", Umea, Sweden, 2006
  • Kossakowska A.: distinction for a poster presentation awarded by the Scientific Committee of the IX. Scientific Conference „Optoelectronic and Electronic Sensors" (COE 2006) for a paper entitled „Application of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) amperometric sensors", 2006
  • Stankiewicz B.: III. Poster Award of the Scientific Committee of the XXXIII. Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs for a presentation entitled "Assessment of three pediatric endotracheal tubes of different design based on flow and work of breathing measurements", Bologna, Italy, 2005

Honoris Causa Doctorates

  • Kawiak J.W.: Honoris Causa Doctorate in medicine from Karol Marcinkowski Medical University In Poznań, Poland, 2008
  • Weryński A.: Honoris Causa Doctorate in medicine from the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2007
  • Kawiak J.W.: Honoris Causa Doctorate in medicine from the Pomeranian Medical Academy of Szczecin, Poland, 2006

State medals

  • Granicka, L., Gólczewski T.: Gold Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2015
  • Dębowska M., Foltyński P., Kacprzak M., Sawosz P., Stachowska-Piętka J., Toczyłowska B.: Silver Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2015
  • Chwojnowski A., Janecki J.: Cavalier's Cross of the Order of the Restitution of Poland awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2005
  • Klonowski W., Kozarski M., Liebert A., Ładyżyński p, Skubiszak L, Zbieć A.: Gold Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2005
  • Bem-Sojka T., Goszczyńska H., Granicka L., Jóźwik A., Korzyńska A., Kruk J., Lewińska D., Łukaszewicz K., Łukowska E., Mierzejewska J., doc. Jan Ober, Piłkowski J., Przytulska M., Sabalińska S., Wojciechowski D., Zalewska E.: Silver Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2005
  • Glapiński J.: Bronze Cross of Merit awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland for scientific achievements, 2005

Scholarship Awards

  • Jankowska-Śliwińska, J.: Stipendist of Sholarship funded by Biocentrum Ochota, cofunded by the European Union from resources of the European Social Fund. Project POKL, Agreement UDA POKL.08.02.01-14-041/09.
  • Jankowska-Śliwińska, J.: Participation in promotion of Scholarship Awarding by Polish Academy of Science. Distinction awarded by committee of doctorates of Polish Academy of Science for extraordinary student of Department IV - Promotion pamphlet.
  • Stachowska-Piętka J.: National stipend for young researchers in the START Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, 2007
  • Darowski M.: Academic grant for professors in the MISTRZ Programme of the Fundacja Foundation for Polish Science Professor for a concept and applications of the hybrid models of the respiratory and circulatory systems, 2005

Awards of the Director of IBBE PAS for Young Scientists for the best research achievements

  • in 2014: Equivalent Prizes for Michał Kania, Krzysztof Zieliński and Stanisław Wojtkiewicz; Prize for extraordinary doctorate student for Karlina Zakrzewska and Distinction for Łukasz Roszkowiak
  • in 2013: Ist Prize for Stanisław Wojtkiewicz and Michał Kania, IInd Prize for Piotr Sawosz
  • in 2012: Prize for Piotr Sawosz
  • in 2011: Prize for Stanisław Wojtkiewicz
  • in 2010: Ist Prize for Piotr Sawosz, two equivalent IInd Prizes for Joanna Stachowska-Piętka and Michał Kacprzak and Distinction for the best Research Debut for Jacek Grzelka
  • in 2009: Ist Prize for Małgorzata Dębowska, IInd Prize for Michał Kania, Honourable Mention for Krzysztof Zieliński and Distinction for the best Research Debut for Urszula Neuman
  • in 2008: Ist Prize for Stanisław Wojtkiewicz, two equivalent IInd Prizes for Anna Śmietanka and Krzysztof Zieliński and two Honourable Mentions for Małgorzata Dębowska and Norbert Żołek
  • in 2007: Ist Prize for Małgorzata Dębowska, IInd Prize for Michał Kacprzak and three Honourable Mentions for Anna Śmietanka, Krzysztof Zieliński and Konrad Dudziński




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