Mechanisms underlying the control of firing in healthy and sick motoneurone
7.04. - 10.04.1997
Chairmen: Prof. W. Zmysłowski
Prof. I. Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz
Dr. L. Kudina
Dr. M. Piotrkiewicz
4th European Conference on Engineering and Medicine
25.05. - 28.05.1997
Number of participants: 352
Advanced respiratory system support and diagnosis
28.09. - 03.10.1997
Chairmen: Prof. G. Hedenstierna
Prof. Z. Rondio
Assoc. Prof. M. Darowski
Drug delivery systems, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
17.11. - 22.11.1997
Chairmen: Assoc. Prof. J.M. Wójcicki
Dr. E. Salzsieder
Medical applications of artificial membranes, immunoprotection of cells and bioartificial organs.
08.12. - 12.12.1997
Chairmen: Prof. T. Orłowski
Prof. A. Weryński
Prof. M. Nałęcz