Cybernetics Institute of ANAS; The Agreement for scientific cooperation between PAS and ANAS
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Reseaux, Universite Bordeaux I et CNRS;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Grauduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and MIMOS BERHARD Information and Communication Technology;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Department of Biomedical Engineering Aachen University of Applied Science;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute of Diabetes "Gerhardt Katsch" i Diabetes ServiCe Center Karlsburg;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute for Information Transmission Problems - joint research project
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics - joint research project
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute of Measurement Science - joint research project
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Department. of Renal Medicine, Huddinge University Hospital, Karolinska Institute
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering Chang Gung University - joint research project
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Mathematics;
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Chung Yuan Chrystian University (CYCU)
The Memorandum of scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Chang Gung University (ELE CGU)Taoyuan Semiconductor Laboratory, Department of Electronic Engineering, Chang Gung University (ELE CGU);
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Institute of Clinical Physiology – CNR, Roma
The Agreement for scientific cooperation between IBBE PAS and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
GERMANY - Physikalische-Technische Bundesanstalt;
SPANISH - Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Hiszpania;
ITALY - Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies CNR, Rome;