Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium Zakładu III
mgr inż. Nikodem Hryniewicz
wygłosi wykład na temat: „Hemodynamic response function models for simultaneous EEG-fMRI data”
Seminarium odbędzie się w dniu 26 lutego (środa) o godz. 11:00 w sali im. A. Moreckiego
The BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) signal response generated by a short stimulus (flashing light, finger tapping, auditory stimuli) is known as a hemodynamic response. In the analysis of fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) data we use different models of hemodynamic response called HRF (hemodynamic response function).
By modeling HRF from simultaneously acquired EEG-fMRI data, we can obtain additional information based on the electroencephalography signal. I will briefly describe hemodynamic response models and different approaches to EEG-fMRI data analysis and processing.